B2Gold Corp Common shares (Canada) (BTG)

Търговски условия

Търговска сесия (UTC)
понеделник: 11:00 - 00:00
вторник - петък: 00:00 - 00:30, 11:00 - 00:00
събота: 00:00 - 00:30


BTG plc is a specialist healthcare company. The Company operates in three business segments: Interventional Medicine (IM) (oncology, vascular and pulmonology products), Specialty Pharmaceuticals (antidote products) and Licensing (royalties from licensed assets). The Company`s Interventional Medicine segment offers a portfolio of interventional medicine products that are designed to advance the treatment of liver tumors, advanced emphysema, severe blood clots and varicose veins. The Company`s Specialty Pharmaceuticals segment offers a portfolio of antidote products that alleviate toxicity and treat rare conditions. The Company`s Licensing segment receives royalties relating to the sales of products that are subject to intellectual property and license agreements between the Company and various partners. The Company`s subsidiaries include BTG International (Holdings) Ltd, Provensis Ltd, BTG International Ltd and BTG Employee Share Schemes Ltd, among others.
