
Pair Trading


Minimize risks to your strategies during fluctuations and high volatility


AI-driven market analytics gives high accuracy and performance for selecting correlated pairs


The best trader's assistant, the ability to customize for each strategy, taking into account experience and preferences


Automation, eliminates the need to constantly monitor charts and the market. It is enough to set the parameters


Up-to-date and useful training materials to enhance your professional development


Trial period for free testing of all platform features

Minimize risks

Minimize risks

Pair trading with GainTrade.AI makes your yield curve smoother and more predictable. Discover strategies with minimal drawdowns and maximum stability.

AI efficiency

Minimize risks

GainTrade.AI is transforming the approach to market analysis, replacing months of analytics departments in minutes. Our AI analyzes over 1,300 stocks and ETFs, using sophisticated algorithms to quickly identify optimal trading pairs. This not only speeds up desicion-making, but also gives you a competitive advantage by allowing you to react to market changes in real time.

The best trader's assistant

Minimize risks

Automated trading, built-in strategy tester, dividend alerts and earnings report calendar. Everything you need to trade effectively, in one place.

Welcome to the world of GainTrade.AI's user-friendly and intuitive GainTrade.AI interface. On our channel you will find informative and educational videos that will help you improve your trading techniques and maximize your profits.


Trading AI

1 300+
Equities & ETF

New pairs every day

Without limitation
Active bots



Try it for free

14 days trial

Just a few simple steps:

  • Use artificial intelligence to choose an idea and asset pair from stocks and ETFs.
  • Check profitability using the built-in backtester.
  • Launch and automate all trading for your strategy with one click.